Monday, April 6, 2009

Summary Blog

Summary: The Broadway theatre company is known worldwide for their hit shows (Such as "Ragtime" and "Show Boat"). Unfortunately, two co-founders of one company (Livent) had harmed its reputation. The two accountants, Garth Drabinsky and Myron Gottlieb, have been doing the accounting and production of financial statements for this company for years. The thing was, they were committing fraud every time they produced financial statements. They had been overstating their business finances by millions of dollars, all this done within a period of several years. The two were charged with two counts of fraud and one count of forgery and could be sentenced to 14 years in prison. Authorities say that the fraud helped build over $100 million in shareholder value. This was lost though, when the fraud was revealed by a New Managment Team.

Connections: This article is connected to the Accounting 1 Fifth Edition textbook that we have, in the way that it relates with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Concepts, and Conventions. There are a total of eleven GAAP's in the back of our textbook, and I believe this article to be defiant of mainly three of them. The first principle it disregards is the Objectivity Principle. This states that the accounting will be recorded on the basis of objective evidence, and will not be based on personal feelings, but on facts. The second GAAP that it doesn’t fulfill is the Materiality Principle. This states that accountants must use the GAAP's unless it is expensive or too difficult (For Livent it was neither). Finally, the Principle of Conservatism is not being used as it states that: The accounting for a business should be fair and reasonable (Which the accounting of this company obviously isn’t).

Reflection: I am baffled by the fact that a company that seemed to have a good reputation and had good shareholder value was committing fraud for several years. They had a good potential company going for them before they started the fraud, but they threw it all away as soon as they started adding additional millions of dollars on their financial statements. I personally am not a big fan of the kind of shows that this company creates, but i can imagine the thousands (maybe even millions) of fans that this company had, that are now crushed by the fact that one of their favourite entertainment companies has been screwing everyone over for years.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chapter 16 Blog

Summary: The recent recession has hurt many businesses, and sacrifices are having to be made in order to keep these businesses operational. My article is on a Television company called "Belo", this company was one of the many hit by the powerful storm of the recession. Belo had to cut 150 jobs and decrease salaries. The cutting back of salaries started in Dallas where it only affected employees working there. Unfortunately, the news that the salaries of all employees will soon be chopped down was announced March 11th. Belo, which owns over 20 Television Stations, also reported that the cutbacks in wages will take place in mid April.

Connections: This article is connected with Chapter 16 in the way that it deals with "Salaries". Chapter 16 states that a salary is a fixed sum of money paid to an employee on a regular basis over a period of time. My article deals with a company called Belo, which had to decrease that salary by 5%. This can be a big deal as it could make thousands of dollars of loss in the salaries of their employees. In chapter 16 it is said that salaries can be decreased if the employee isn't up to standards for what they are getting paid. Unfortunately in this case, even if the employee was excellent they still have to take a salary cut.

Reflection: I think that this sacrifice for the company had to be done, but it could have been done in a way so that salaries of good employees were unharmed. Like many other businesses have done recently, Belo could have cut jobs of their more inexperienced and less than decent workers in order to save money, while keeping their excellent employees happy by maintaining their salaries. I believe that because they dropped salaries, many of Belo's employee's will quit (even the very good ones) and Belo will end up having the same effect as they could have had if they had just cut more jobs in the beginning, except they will have lost many of their high performance employees.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chapter 15 Blog

Summary: Because of the economic recession stores and businesses have been suffering from poor sales. This article reveals the percentage decline in retail stores in North America. Last month in January, sales of retail stores dropped 1.6%. This was not as bad as expected but still increased a monthly sales slump to a consecutive four months. Luxury stores suffered from even greater hardship, as their sales went down 11.4%. January is the least important month of retail stores, but the percentages show how weak consumer spending is. Merchants couldn’t even rely on a boost from gift cards, mainly because customers were looking for sales or just not buying at all. People are concerned about home prices, tight credit, and more, but their biggest worry is job security and income. The unemployment rate is currently at 7.2%, but expected to be driven up to 7.5% when the government releases new figures. This would be the highest unemployment rate in 17 years.

Connections: My article is connected to Chapter 15 as a result of comparing sales from different time periods. The article shows how sales have dropped either lightly, or heavily, due to our recent recession. In chapter 15 "Analyzing Financial Statements" there is a comparison of financial data. The article compares the sales in January of 2009. This month is compared financially with the sales from last year and reveals the differences in percentages. Section 15.2 from Chapter 15 focuses more in depth of comparing sales and profits, which is similar to what this article does by comparing the decline in sales from last year, to this year January.

Reflection: I believe that these percentages are accurate, and will continue to descend as long as the major recession is in process. I do not find it surprising that Businesses are making fewer sales because now is a tough time for many of their customers. There is bills that must be paid, items that need to be purchased, and money that has to be made. It would be especially difficult if you are unemployed, or have recently been fired. Companies aren't generating their fulfilled sales, so they will fire or temporarily lay off workers, which makes this an extremely stressful time for everyone caught in the recession’s path.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Chapter 14 Blog

Summary: The article that I am writing about a burglary that took place in a Jacksonville Restaurant at night time and stole from the Petty Cash deposit. The Robber was 19 year old Corea B. Johnson Junior. Apparently the thief had recently been fired by the restaurant that he was targeting. At 10 pm Corea came into the restaurant armed with a gun and demanded the safe be open. When the safe wouldn't open Corea made his way to the Petty Cash Funds and stole all of the cash as he fired a bullet that missed the Manager on duty. When Corea ran out police were set up for an ambush and two shots went through Corea, while the thief got off one shot that went through a police car. Corea is in critical condition but is charged with armed robbery and attempted murder of a police officer.

Connections: This article is connected to Chapter 14 Section 3 because of Petty Cash funds. Petty Cash Funds are usually a couple hundred dollars ready to pay for small charges like delivery charges or a custodian needing extra money for buying light bulbs on their lunch break out of their own pocket. In the article a robber stole from one of these Petty Cash Funds because he could not open or get anyone to open the main safe. Because The Petty Cash Fund was not well protected the robber easily got his hands on it and robbed the Restaurant.

Reflection: My opinion on Petty Cash Funds is that they are a good idea, but may need to be put into a more secure location with a lock or security device. There are lots of situations beside this one where thieves steal money from the Petty Cash Fund because they have easy access to it. If managers and storekeepers were more careful and aware that there are bad people that want to steal any money they can get their hands on, there will be less robberies, especially dangerous ones like this one was, which will lead to less shooting done by both police and the burglars.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Is Cash Dicount A Useful Thing? (Chapter 12 Blog)

Summary: As Banking Facilities develop within the past few years, it is still in question whether the cash discount hasn't outlived its usefulness and should be stopped. A Well-known business man stated that there was no scientific reason for creating cash discounts, it was created largely due to the lack of suffiecient banking facilities. Because of the massive development of the Banking System, the size of the cash discount offer has dropped considerably. The fact that the drop of the discount hasn't seriously affected anyone gives reason to believe that the system should just be done with. The Businesses greatly in favor of the cash discount being demolished seems to be grocery, dry goods, etc. stores. This is due to the fact that they carry too many small accounts because of cash discounts.

Connections: The connection from Chapter 11 to this article is Cash Discounts. A cash dicount is a reduction of the amount that is on a bill if payment is made on or before the date of discount stated on the bill. In this article from the New York Times, the abolishment of cash discounts are being argued upon. The Terms of Sale have also dropped, as they are now 1/3 or 1/2 of what they used to be. This means that what would today be a 2/10,n30 might have been a 6/10n,30. The terms of the cash discounts lowering by fifty to sixty six percent, while still not having much of an effect makes it evident that cancelling cash discounts all together might not make a huge difference.

Reflection: My opinion on cash discounts is that businesses should keep them because they attract customers, and customers will be happy getting them. If anything I believe that businesses should increase the discount given if the payment is made on or before the discount date because it will keep, gain, and help out customers. I also think that Grocery and other food stores should cancel their cash discount systems because there are so many customers and accounts, that they may have a hard time keeping track of cash discounts they offer. In the future maybe they will have an advanced computerized system that will sort out customers and their cash discount when the payments are made, but while most of it is done by man, i believe that only companies that sell more expensive and larger objects should keep the system.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gas Prices Drop In Indianapolis (Chapter 11 Blog)


Summary: The massive increase in price for gas has effected hundreds of millions of people since it started it's rocketing prices in June. The highest point that the gallon price marked in Indianapolis was in the $4.10 range, an appaling difference from the same time a year before, when the price of a gallon was just $2.67. Throughout the United States oil prices dropped slightly on Tuesday, standing at $89 per barrel for the rest of the day. But the price has fallen considerably it's peak of $147 a barrel during July this year. On Tuesday while filling up on gas at Wal-Mart in Avon, Richard Abraham stated "it's about time the price of gasoline reflected that drop". The current price is $3.04, a giant drop from the $4.10 in July.

Connections: This story on the gas price decrease relates to Chapter 11. My reason for believing this is because gas impacts a company's "Automobile Expense", which can end up being a major expense if there is a large number of deliveries or transportation involved. Since Automobile Expenses falls into the Operating Expenses area, the higher it is, the less profit a business earns. During the summer, many businesses have been damaged by high gas prices, which eventually leads to lower Net Income, or possibly Net Loss. Some Businesses that would be greatly impacted by high gas prices would probably be UPS, FedEx, Taxi Companies, and other Delivery Services.

Reflection: During my read on this article on gas prices, i realized that there must be a benefit for the increased cost of gas, as well as a loss. Since gas is a natural resource and we only have a limited amount before it's all gone, it is good that prices went up, because it will give people insight on how they should save gas. Before, maybe someone made 2 trips for grocery shopping, but while gas prices were rocketing, they might have only made 1 trip because they realized that saving gas means saving money. I only hope that people will keep trying to save gas, even though the price of it is dropping.